Monday, September 12, 2005

I love my job

The events of recent weeks have caused me to sit and count my blessings. One of the tops on the list is that I get to do this cool animation stuff for a living. Folks who know me know I've done a LOT of different jobs in my life. (someday I'll post them all here as a list). To be able to animate for a living? It's like being Peter Pan, except without the tights and the nagging gender questions.

This past week at work was a really good week. I have two scenes that are just a total blast to work on. I managed to get them both keyed out and get the blocking approved, something like 28 feet of work (18.5 seconds for those who are keeping track). I was in a bit of a groove, too. I knew what I wanted, I planned really tight, I could see the performances in my mind's eye before I ever started. I could envision every move, every breakdown, every facial expression. It was fun to bring it all out on screen. After getting the buyoff on the performances I was sitting at my desk thinking, man, I love my job. I'm so thankful for the blessing to be able to do this for a living.

Of course now I have to clean it all up and make sure I don't ruin these scenes and lose the energy. It'll be a real challenge to polish these things to the gills. Should be fun!


Anonymous said...

Hey Keith,

I know what you mean man. I've been at Blue Sky for 2 months now and everyday I think how awsome it is to animate for a living. I have been blessed with a great job!! Btw, say hi to Jason Hendrich for me, I think he sits across from you, hehe.


J said...

Great post Keith.
Getting to do what you love is really a big blessing nowadays. It's wonderful to hear that you are where you are loving what you do. Thanks for sharing.