If you're a regular around these parts you're probably noticing the new look and layout of the site. If you didn't notice the new look, then you're probably a shredded cabbage in the ol' intellect department. Anyhooo, I've tried to streamline the usability of the site as much as possible. You'll notice I put direct links to my tutorials and short films on the left. You can also email me from there if you're of the mind to do such an insane thing.
This panel looks like a blog because, well.. it's a blog. Heh. I think that one of the things that kept me from updating my site more often was the hassle of creating new pages in Frontpage, uploading them via my FTP client and all that rot. So with this blog set up I can just fire off an email whenever the muse hits me with a wet salami and presto! You get to share in the joy with less than half the calories.
As you poke around you'll notice that I've put all my links in this blog frame here. Just scroll down and look on the right side and you'll see them all. Typical blog-ish layout in that regard. But there's a lot of really cool animation stuff at the end of those links, so go check 'em out if you haven't already.
The thing that'll probably be of interest to some of you is the little note on the bottom of the page about monthly video tutorials. I'm not ready to announce exactly what's going on with that for probably another week, but I'll leave it there for you to wonder what I'm up to. But I'll give you a hint: it has to do with new animation tutorials each month and video. Betcha couldn't have figured that out on your own, huh? ;o)
All the same, I hope the new look doesn't make your eyes bleed. Be sure to keep stopping by since I'll be posting a lot more frequently than I used to. I'm a blogger now, baby. I feel so metro. Where's my latte?
Just a quick design thing. If you make the frames on the site so that they only have vertical scroll bars it would look that little bit nicer (you'd need to shrink the image in the left frame to do this though).
Me again, your link to Carlos Baena's website is miss-spelled.
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