Saturday, November 12, 2005

Pictures for Patrick: Sluggo

My favorite medium is ballpoint pen on Post-It Notes. Why? Because they're unassuming materials. You're not "supposed" to draw with a ballpoint pen and Post-It's aren't "real" drawing paper. Which is cool because then I'm free to screw up. Make a crap drawing? No problem, just peel it off the pad and chuck it. No biggie. But put a Col-Erase in my hand and give me sheets of drawing paper with great tooth and I start to freeze up. Performance anxiety. Patrick liked this picture. I think it's fun, too.


Keith Lango said...

I refuse to use those things. It's the number one reason why I avoid sporting events. Yikes!

ryan d said...

first time i saw one of those, i didn't know what it was. i almost washed my hands in it.

Justin S Barrett said...

I'm with all y'all on the troughs, but I'm kinda reverse on the drawing thing. Most of the time, if I'm trying to "sketch" with a pen or pencil, the dark line looks too "final," so the perfectionist in my mind starts picking it apart much more readily. I remember some stuff I did in a cartooning class in school, though, and it was the first time I tried using a soft blue pencil. Something about the non-finality of the blue was so liberating! I did so much better with that than anything else. Man...just thinking about it makes me want to get one and doodle! I wish I'd remembered this earlier. Thanks for the inspiration, Keith!