Sunday, December 21, 2008


Two pieces of foam, a few sticks, some rulers, a ladder made out of pencils, a bowl of water, two kazoos, a guitar and a whole lot of imagination and skill. Who needs fancy visuals or technical sophistication- or even technically perfect movement? This is an inspiringly simple reminder that character and motivation are the keys to bringing something to life. Astounding stuff.

Hat tip to David Beer.


Luke Burnet said...

hahaha really nice ! thanks ! :)

Erlend Sakshaug said...

This clip was the big hit at work on friday. Loved it!

Josh Bowman said...

Yeah! Awesome, I saw this on Carlos Baena's blog last week.

The performance is sooo convincing...I love the bit where he comes down and just waits patiently while the guy is playing and doesn't notice him.

Thom said...

Refreshing! People are very good at anthropomorphizing any and all objects, e.g. faces in clouds, religious figures in cinnamon buns, etc. The clever entertainer can take advantage of this tendency with the simplest of characters. Let the audience fill in the blanks.

(All the shots of the audience drove me bananas -- why would we want to see them??)

Anonymous said...

Made me laugh, and reminded me of the simplicity of entertainment.

David Beer said...

one of the best things for me is how convincing the characters locomotion is even though its so ridiculous, but works so well and so true to character

Anonymous said...

This great Looking stuff. What we call it. I do not have words describe. Its Personality and the locomotion is incredible!

Floyd Norman said...

Important lesson for animated film makers here.

Less is more.

aabid said...

Awesome :)

FleaCircusDirector said...

It's nice to see other people who see the overlap between animation and puppetry.

Marie Chase said...

Thank yoou for being you